Arizona law is tough enough for a “regular” DUI. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) was measured at .15 or greater, you will face enhanced criminal and civil sanctions if convicted. It may be possible to challenge the BAC to get charges dismissed or reduced. But it may also be necessary to take your case to trial. You need an experienced Scottsdale extreme DUI attorney who can evaluate the evidence and prevent the worst.

The Rosenstein Law Group has achieved numerous acquittals and dismissals in drunk driving cases, even in cases where a high BAC was alleged. We serve Scottsdale, Phoenix, and all of Maricopa, Pinal, and Pima counties. Call (480) 248-7666, day or night, for a free case evaluation.

What Constitutes Extreme DUI in Arizona?

Arizona law defines “extreme DUI” as a BAC of .15 to .199, or roughly twice the legal limit of .08 BAC. The state assumes that drivers with that much alcohol in their system are an immediate danger to the public, and penalties for conviction are enhanced accordingly:

  • 30 to 80 days in jail
  • Jail costs, fines, and fees
  • Probation up to five years
  • Vehicle impounded for 30 days
  • License suspension for 90 days to one year (work permit allowed after 30 days)
  • Ignition interlock for 12 months after license reinstated

A second offense of extreme DUI carries 120 to 180 days in jail (minimum 60 days), license revocation for one year (no work permit), and possible vehicle forfeiture. For more information about what is considered extreme DUI under Arizona law, speak with a knowledgeable Scottsdale DUI attorney.

(See also super extreme DUI: BAC of .20 or greater)

Defenses to Extreme DUI in Scottsdale, AZ

Attorney Craig Rosenstein employs a full case strategy to attack the prosecution’s evidence. If your BAC was measured at .15 or higher, we specifically address that issue: accuracy of the breathalyzer machine, lab testing procedures and chain of custody of the sample, how the blood or urine sample was taken, how much time lapsed, and the methodology used when that blood was tested. Our Scottsdale extreme DUI lawyers also look at the overall arrest and whether police followed proper procedure and observed your rights.

Schedule a Free Consultation With a Scottsdale Extreme DUI Lawyer

There is much to be done if there is any chance of beating an extreme DUI or at least getting charges reduced to a .08 DUI. Call day or night, seven days a week, at (480) 248-7666 for effective defense representation or contact Rosenstein Law Group online.