A DUI is not a minor traffic violation, even if it is your first offense. You face a criminal charge and should contact an experienced, knowledgeable, and effective DUI lawyer as soon as possible. You have a chance to save your record and name. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group today at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation.

The penalties for a first offense DUI are no rite of passage and are not something you should simply accept. Speak with one of our DUI lawyers and find out if there are defenses to the allegations against you.

A DUI, even a first offense, carries stiff punishment including:

  • Driver’s license suspension
  • Jail time
  • Fines and fees
  • High insurance rates
  • A lifetime criminal conviction on your record
  • Problems getting licenses, clearances, loans, jobs, and housing

Don’t face these penalties alone. Call the Rosenstein Law Group today for your free consultation at 480-248-7666 or contact us online.

The Ruinous Effect of a Carefree-Cave Creek First Offense DUI

At the Rosenstein Law Group we have handled thousands of DUI cases and understand the potential harm that can come to you from a conviction for a First Offense DUI in the Carefree-Cave Creek Consolidated Court. We can help you minimize those effects by:

  • Finding a smart, effective, and aggressive DUI defense tailored to your case’s needs
  • Working to potentially save your driving privileges
  • Getting the case dismissed or getting reduced charges

Free Consultations with a Carefree-Cave Creek First Offense DUI Lawyer

Don’t face this alone. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group today at 480-248-7666 or contact us online to find out how we can help you in a free consultation.


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