If you face a DUI in the West Mesa Justice Court, then you face substantial penalties. How harsh those penalties are depends on your Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC.

First, there are consequences that all DUI’s have in common. All DUI’s are Class 1 Misdemeanors. Class 1 Misdemeanors carry a maximum jail term of 6 months, up to a $2,500 fine, and up to 3 years of probation. DUIs are special, in that the maximum length of probation is raised to 5 years. A DUI conviction will also lead to 8 points being assessed against your MVD record. Until new DUI expungement laws take effect in Arizona, you will have that conviction permanently on your record. All DUI convictions will lead to a loss of driving privileges. The length of that loss depends on the specific facts of your arrest and whether you have prior DUI convictions.

Regular DUI

A Regular DUI is one where your BAC is between 0.08 and 0.1499. It can also be charged regardless of BAC if you were “impaired to the slightest degree” by drugs or alcohol. The minimum punishment for a first-offense Regular DUI is 10 – 180 days in jail, a $250 fine plus surcharges, $1,000 or so in assessments, and alcohol screening and treatment classes.

If you have a prior conviction for a DUI in the last 84 months, the punishment is harsher. The minimum penalty becomes 90 – 180 days in jail, a $500 fine plus surcharges, $2,500 or so in assessments, alcohol screening and treatment classes, and at least 30 hours of community service.

You will be required to install an ignition interlock device by the MVD for 1 year.

Extreme DUI

An Extreme DUI is one where the BAC is alleged to be between 0.15 and 0.199. If convicted, you face a minimum of 30-180 days in jail, a $250 fine plus surcharges, approximately $2,000 in assessments, $250 to be paid to the DUI fund, and will be required to participate in alcohol screening and treatment classes.

Just as above, having a prior DUI conviction in the last 84 months vastly increases the sentence, raising the minimum sentence to 120-180 days in jail, a $500 fine plus surcharges, $2,500 or so in assessments, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, alcohol assessment and treatment classes, and at least 30 hours of community service.

You will be required to install an ignition interlock device by the MVD for a 1-year period.

Super Extreme DUI

A Super Extreme DUI is one where the BAC was 0.20 or above. If convicted your minimum sentence is 45-180 days in jail, a $500 fine plus surcharges, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, $2,000 or so in assessments and fees, and be required to participate in alcohol screening and treatment classes. The MVD will require an ignition interlock device for 18 months.

If you have a prior DUI conviction in the last 84 months, your mandatory minimum sentence is 180 days in jail, a $1,000 fine plus surcharges, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, $2,500 or so in assessments and fees, mandatory alcohol screening and treatment classes, and 30 hours of community service. The MVD will require an ignition interlock device for 24 months.

Free Consultation for West Mesa Justice Court DUIs

Regardless of whether its your first time or seventh, and whether it’s a regular or a super extreme DUI, you need experienced, aggressive, and effective representation to help you in your West Mesa Justice Court DUI case. The attorneys at the

offer free consultations to help you determine your best options and defenses and will find an individualized and personal plan of attack for your case. Call today at

or contact us online to schedule your free consultation.


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