If you were driving on the 101 on Salt River Indian Reservation when you were charged for driving under the influence of a drug such as the following:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Prescription narcotics: OxyContin, hydrocodone, Vicodin or Percocet

Other prescription drugs that could affect your ability to operate the car, including sedatives. The steps you take in the next few days will be critical to recovering your driving privileges and determining your legal status.

Contact a West Mesa Justice Court Drug-Related DUI Lawyer

Take action right away for the best results. now you must contest the charges versus the prosecutor who is working with police-gathered “evidence.” Aggressive strategies in DUI defense are standard procedure at Rosenstein Law Group. Our clients’ legal opponents soon learn that we are more than willing to take a case to trial. Any unfounded allegations, inadmissible evidence or violation of clients’ rights will come to light when our drug-related DUI defense lawyer represents the accused.

Rosenstein Law Group has a successful track record defending clients who have been accused of drug-related DUI’s on the 101 and Salt River Indian Reservation and elsewhere in Arizona. Call 480-248-7666 to schedule your free DUI Drugs case evaluation. Speak with a DUI lawyer with extensive experience handling West Mesa Justice Court drug-related DUI cases.

DUI Prescription Drug Charges in West Mesa Justice Courts

While driving on the Salt River Indian Reservation and the 101 freeway suppose someone is pulled over by an officer after ignoring a stop sign. In their moment of worry, they tell the officer that they have never had driving troubles and that their distraction could have been caused by the medication they are on. The person has just admitted to a drug DUI charge according to Arizona Revised Statute § 28.1381(A).

Do not put your future in jeopardy. Contact Rosenstein Law Group by calling 480-248-7666 for a free consultation.

West Mesa Justice Court Prescription Drug DUI Lawyer

Much like medical marijuana and other drug substances, drivers may face a DUI charge if the officer determines that someone driving was impaired even to the “slightest degree.” Arizona has not set any standards for blood-content levels concerning the use of drugs while driving. Nonetheless, if you have been charged with driving under the influence of prescription medication, then you should at once speak to an aggressive and experienced West Mesa Justice Court DUI lawyer at the Rosenstein Law Group for help.

Penalties for Prescription Drug DUI out of West Mesa

Someone arrested for driving on the Salt River Indian Reservation and the 101 freeway under the influence of a legal drug is subject to the same penalties as any other DUI charge. While a first-time conviction is not usually accompanied by jail time, fines and sanctions on driving privileges are a definite possibility. Also, penalties for repeated offenses of DUI are equally increased based on the offense’s frequency and severity.

Remember, any DUI charge on a record, regardless of the substance involved, will merit a repeat offense if the driver is arrested for driving under the influence. This means that if a driver was convicted once for driving under the influence of alcohol and then a year later, he or she was convicted of driving under the influence of an impairing prescription drug, that charge will be prosecuted as a second offense of DUI and sentenced as such as well.

Fighting Prescription Drug DUI Charges in West Mesa Justice Courts

Conviction is possible but not necessary, especially if you have an experienced defense lawyer by your side. Rosenstein Law Group has extensive experience in successfully defending clients against all types of DUI charges. We are dedicated to seeing our clients receive positive outcomes in their DUI cases and do everything to ensure it happens. Let us do the same for you.

Schedule Your Free Consultation with an Experienced Drug DUI Defense Attorney

If you were pulled over and arrested while driving on the Salt River Indian Reservation and the 101 for DUI because you used a prescription drug, you need to contact a West Mesa Justice court DUI attorney as soon as possible. Contact our office today online here or by calling 480-248-7666 for a free consultation on your West Mesa DUI drug case.


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