Arizona is very harsh when it comes to DUI charges and punishments. Arizona law calls for increased penalties for DUI offenses if a person’s BAC is above certain levels. If you are arrested for DUI in Kingman, Arizona, with a BAC at or between .15 and .19. Then you will be charged with an Extreme DUI.

Extreme DUI Charges in Kingman, Arizona

Along with being arrested for a Blood Alcohol Content at or 0.15% and 0.19% additionally, an officer may impound your vehicle for 30 days upon arrest for Extreme DUI. Suppose the police and prosecutor allege that your BAC was in the extreme range. In that case, it may be possible to challenge the BAC to get charges dismissed or reduced. In other cases, it may be necessary to take the case to trial. Suppose you are arrested or charged with an Extreme DUI in Kingman, Arizona. In that case, you need a lawyer who can evaluate your case’s strength to get you the best possible result.

Facing Extreme DUI Charges in Kingman?

The Rosenstein Law Group has achieved numerous acquittals, dismissals, and reduced charges for clients charged with Extreme DUI in Kingman. Contact us 24/7 at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation and case evaluation.

Extreme DUI Penalties

An Extreme DUI conviction in Kingman, Arizona may have severe consequences, including:

  • 30 to 180 days in jail
  • Up to 5 years of probation
  • Substantial fines and fees
  • 90-day driver’s license suspension
  • 12-month ignition interlock device requirement
  • Alcohol treatment classes
  • 8 points on your driving record
  • Traffic Survival School
  • Community Service/Restitution

If you have been convicted of an Extreme DUI and previously been convicted of a DUI committed within the last seven years. This is also referred to as a “second offense Extreme DUI,” then the punishments are increased. They will include 120 to 180 days in jail, a one-year driver’s license revocation, increased fines and fees, and 30 hours of community service (also called “community restitution”).

Strategies for Extreme DUI Defense

At the Rosenstein Law Group, the team of attorneys employs aggressive and smart strategies to attack the prosecution’s evidence. If your BAC was measured at .15 or higher, we would work to discredit or invalidate that number. As part of a comprehensive approach, we will look at the following:

  • Lab testing procedures and chain of custody
  • The accuracy of the breathalyzer machine
  • Issues with the blood draw and sample contamination, and
  • The time that lapsed between your arrest,
  • The blood draw, and
  • The blood testing.

We also examine the traffic stop, field sobriety tests, and arrest procedures to determine whether the police followed proper procedures and whether your rights were violated.

Free Consultation with Kingman Extreme DUI Defense Attorney

If you are arrested or charged with an Extreme DUI in Kingman, Arizona, contact the Rosenstein Law Group at 480-248-7666 or online for a free consultation and case evaluation.


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