Being convicted of a DUI, even a first-offense DUI, carries tremendous consequences that include jail time, fines and fees, losing your driving privileges, having an ignition interlock device, a permanent criminal record, and more. If you are charged with a first-time DUI in the Sedona Municipal Court, however, you are in a strong position to preserve your good record and name. Don’t simply accept the penalties. Call the Rosenstein Law Group for a free consultation to find out what defenses may exist in your case. Call today at 480-248-7666 or contact us online to find out how we can help you.

Lawyers for First-Time DUI in Sedona

At the Rosenstein Law Group we have helped thousands charged with a first-offense DUI. We can help you, too. A DUI is not a rite of passage. Call today to find out how we can help.


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