Category: First DUI

DUI First-Offender & Diversion Programs

December 15, 2021 | First DUI

Most driving under the influence (DUI) convictions in Arizona result in jail sentences, thousands of dollars in fines and surcharges, and the suspension of the driving privilege. Although several states have enacted first-offender and diversion programs that have lesser penalties for first-time DUIs, Arizona has not. This is why it is even more important to… read more

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What Happens When You Get Your First DUI?

April 15, 2021 | DUI,First DUI

If you or a family member was recently arrested for a first offense driving under the influence (DUI) crime, it is important to know what the future holds. The more you know about the criminal justice process surrounding DUI charges, the more peace of mind you can have about what comes next. For legal advice… read more

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How Much Does a First Offense DUI Cost?

April 1, 2021 | DUI,First DUI

Arizona lawmakers take driving under the influence (DUI) crimes very seriously. They deter drivers from operating under the influence of drugs and alcohol by penalizing these crimes harshly. After adding up the various expenses associated with a first offense DUI, this crime can cost thousands of dollars – more than most other types of first… read more

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