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Arizona is known to have some of the most strict drunk driving laws in the country. As in most other states, Arizona now includes impairment by drugs in its drunk driving statute. Under the law, the presence of any qualifying drug in your system is enough for you to be charged with a DUI. The penalties for a DUI conviction can be life-changing, and the assistance of a reliable defense lawyer can help to ensure that your rights are protected.

Mesa DUI Defense Lawyer Takes On Drug-Related Cases

Scottsdale-based DUI defense attorney Craig Rosenstein has a great deal of training and knowledge concerning the chemical testing that the police use as evidence in a drug-related DUI case. He uses aggressive DUI defense methods to protect the legal rights of the accused. Even if it has been several weeks since you took a drug, it will show up in a blood test. Even a trace amount can get you arrested. Simply having a drug in your system, however, does not mean that you were impaired.

When you choose our firm, we will do everything we can to force the prosecution to prove that you were impaired and that the drug in question was the cause of the impairment. Our extensive knowledge and experience allow us to take a much more proactive approach to building your defense and protecting your future.

We have experience resolving cases involving all types of drugs, including cocaine and other controlled substances as well as prescription drugs. We have successfully defended clients accused of driving under the influence of medications that were prescribed by a doctor and those alleged to have been obtained illegally.

Discuss Your DUI With Drugs Defense Needs With One Of Our Attorneys

Learn about our record of success representing drivers in Mesa who were charged with DUI on the basis of drugs detected in chemical tests. Contact the Rosenstein Law Group to discuss your legal options with an attorney. Call 480-248-7666 or contact us via email to schedule a free consultation.