Any DUI conviction in the Pioneer Justice Court will result in harsh penalties. Just how harsh depends on the Blood Alcohol Concentration, or BAC.

All DUIs share some common penalties: all are class 1 misdemeanors; all have a maximum jail term of 6 months; all have a maximum fine of $2,500; all have a maximum length of probation of 5 years. All DUI convictions will lead to a loss of driving privileges of some length and to 8 points being assessed against your record.

Regular DUI

In a Regular DUI the BAC is 0.08 to 0.1499 or it may be one charged regardless of BAC, but where the prosecutor alleges you were driving while impaired to the slightest degree by alcohol or drugs. The minimum penalty is 10-180 days in jail, $250 fine plus surcharges, approximately $1,000 in assessments, and alcohol screening and treatment classes.

If you were convicted of a DUI within the last 84 months prior to this conviction, the penalty increases. The minimum penalty becomes 90-180 days in jail, a $500 fine plus surcharges, approximately $2,500 in assessments, alcohol screening and treatment classes, and at least 30 hours of community service.

The MVD will require you to install an ignition interlock device for 1 year.

Extreme DUI

An Extreme DUI is one in which the BAC is between 0.15 and 0.199. The minimum penalty is 30-180 days, a $250 fine plus surcharges, approximately $2,000 in assessments, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, and alcohol screening and treatment classes.

Having a prior DUI conviction within 84 months leads to an increased minimum sentence of 120-180 days in jail, $500 fine plus surcharges, about $2,500 in assessments, $250 paid to the DUI abatement fund, alcohol assessment and treatment classes, and a minimum of 30 hours of community service.

Like with a Regular DUI, the MVD will require an ignition interlock be installed for 1 year.

Super Extreme DUI

If your BAC is 0.20 or above, you will be charged with a Super Extreme DUI. The mandatory minimum sentence is 45-180 days in jail, a $500 fine plus surcharges, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, approximately $2,000 in assessments and fees, and alcohol screening and treatment. The MVD will require an ignition interlock device be installed for 18 months.

If you have a prior DUI within 84 months, the minimum punishment substantially increases to 180 days in jail, a $1,000 fine plus surcharges, $250 to the DUI abatement fund, approximately $2,500 in assessments and fees, mandatory alcohol screening and treatment classes, a minimum of 30 hours of community service, and the MVD will require an ignition interlock device for 24 months.


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