Posted on May 23, 2015 in Field Sobriety Tests

If you have been involved in a road accident at any point, there is a chance that you will have been investigated for drunk driving. Officers in Arizona tend to check thoroughly for evidence of intoxication during a crash in order to prevent a reoccurrence of the incident. However, the methods for determining sobriety are not always completely accurate. This could mean that you are mistakenly charged with drunk driving.

One form of test used during this process is the field sobriety test. This is often composed of several different tests used to measure your coordination, reactions and other aspects that could be affected by intoxication. The standardized version of this test is considered to be very precise, with reports suggesting an accuracy of over 90 percent.

Some non-standardized tests are also used. Furthermore, these tests are not infallible and it is possible for someone to fail the tests despite not being intoxicated. Some factors that can contribute to this are anxiety attacks, muscle spasms or dyspraxia.

You can choose to refuse field sobriety tests, but this can result in the suspension of your driver’s license. However, if you fail the tests, you might be charged with drunk driving. Fortunately, all is not lost as you are considered innocent unless you can be proven guilty beyond any reasonable doubt.

An attorney may be able to assist you with forming your defense and ensuring that your side of the story is heard. If you failed the sobriety tests as the result of a medical condition or some other factor, letting the court know may help your case. Your attorney might be able to advise you about the options available and help you choose the best course of action to take.

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