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Posted on July 1, 2014 in Uncategorized

On Wednesday June 25th, 2014, the Supreme Court ruled that police must obtain a search warrant in order to gather information from a suspect’s cell phone. This ruling was passed in order to protect American’s privacy rights in the digital age.

For years warrantless searches have been justified by law enforcement in order to protect them from hidden weapons and to prevent suspects from tampering with or destroying evidence. However, neither rationale applied in the case of any mobile device, so with the line now blurred between officer’s protection and civilian’s right to privacy, theSupreme Court put into place a requirement that police must provide a search warrant to the court before granting access to a suspect’s phone data.

Both sides of this topic were argued, with privacy advocates hailing that this cell phone ruling will protect the constitutional privacy of Americans from the powers of modern technology. Then on the other hand, law-enforcement officials believe under this ruling it is making it easier for criminals to perform illegal acts, while making it harder for lawenforcement to do their job in protecting innocent citizens.

The Rosenstein Law Group supports the Supreme Court Ruling because of its protection of the Fourth Amendment, which “protects people from unreasonable searches and seizures by thegovernment… that are deemed unreasonable under the law.” All the attorneys at the Rosenstein Law Group are committed to making sure that no client’s rights are taken advantage of, especially when in a stressful and compromising position such as a DUI.

Here at the Rosenstein Law Group, every attorney is dedicated to making sure every client is aware of every step in the process of their case. If you or someone you know feels their rights have been violated or are in need of our representation, please call our offices, 480-248-7666, and set up a free consultation today.

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