Posted on May 30, 2014 in Blood Alcohol Tests

If you have been involved in an accident, the last thing you need is to face a drunk driving investigation. Nevertheless, law enforcement officials have an obligation to determine the cause of such incidents. As a result, you may be asked to submit to a number of tests. The purpose of these is to check your blood alcohol content and determine your level of sobriety.

However, these tests are not always accurate, leaving some drivers unwilling to go along with them. A false reading could land you with drunk driving charges and many people avoid taking them if possible. On the other hand, refusing tests such as being breathalyzed can lead to immediate license revocation. It’s a tough call to make and both options havetheir pros and cons.

For a 68-year-old woman in Arizona, her blood alcohol content could have landed her in trouble. Already accused of involvement in the deaths of a young couple during a crash in Mesa, she may end up being charged with driving under the influence of alcohol. According to the tests, her blood alcohol appeared to be 0.18, more than twice the legal limit. Thewoman was hospitalized following the accident and, as yet, she has not been charged.

If this driver does end up being charged with a DUI offense, it could have serious consequences. She may be fined, face jail time and lose her driver’s license. An attorney may be useful to you if you find yourself in a similar situation. With the right guidance, you can present your side of the story to the court and seek a reduced sentences ordismissal of the charges against you.

Source: AZ Family, “Tests show wrong-way driver had alcohol, drugs,” Terry Tang, May 22, 2014

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