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Posted on March 3, 2014 in Felony DUI

About 200 miles northwest of Scottsdale, an Arizona man faces several charges after he allegedly slammed his pick-up truck into a home. The 23-year-old was alleged drunk when his truck struck a gas meter, two parked cars, two fences and a Kingman home.

He now faces a so-called “super extreme DUI” and other charges in the incident this past Saturday night, law enforcement officials said.

Sheriff’s officials said the man was not conscious when officers arrived at the home. He regained consciousness and was transported to a nearby hospital. Upon his release from the facility, police officers arrested him for DUI with a blood alcohol level above 0.20 percent (the legal threshold in Arizona is 0.08 percent), endangerment and criminaldamage.

According to Arizona law, a motorist can be charged with “extreme DUI” if their BAC is at 0.15 percent or higher.

The penalties after conviction are harsh: 30 to 80 days in jail, plus the cost of incarceration (and fines). There’s often probation that follows jail time; it can be up to five years in length.

The person’s driver’s license is suspended from 90 days to a year, though they can get a work permit license after a month.

They must also have an ignition interlock device installed in their vehicle for a year after their driving privileges have been restored.

A “super extreme” charge involves a BAC of 0.20 percent and higher. A conviction brings even harsher penalties, including a minimum of 45 days in jail, with up to 180 days possible.

Obviously, these are all serious consequences and must be addressed as soon as possible by the defendant with the help of an attorney experienced in handling “extreme” and “super extreme” DUI cases.

Source: AZfamily.com, “Kingman man facing extreme DUI charge after crash,” Feb. 24, 2014

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